Friday, January 14, 2011

Data Structure ARRAY Programing


/* ARRAY_D.C */

# include

# define s 20

char employ[s][s];

int delete_array(char employ[s][s], int, int, char *);

void input(char emply[s][s], int );

void display(char employ[s][s], int );

/* Definition of the function */

int delete_array(char employ[s][s], int number, int position, char element[])


int temp = position;

element = employ[position];

printf("\n Information which we have to delete: %s", element);

while( temp <= number-1)


*employ [temp] = *employ[temp+1];

temp ++;


number = number - 1 ;




void input(char employ[s][s], int number)


int i;

for(i = 1; i<= number ; i++)



printf("\n Input value for: %d: ", i);




void display(char employ[s][s], int number)


int i;

for(i = 1; i<= number; i++)


printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %s", i, employ[i]);



/* main function */

void main()


int number;

int position;

char element[s];

printf("\n Input the number of elements in the array:");

scanf("%d", &number);


input(employ, number);

printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");

display(employ, number);


printf("\n Input the position from where you want delete an element:");

scanf("%d", &position);

number = delete_array(employ, number, position, element);





/* ARRAY_I.C */

# include

int insert_array(char *, int, int, char);

void input(char *, int );

void display(char *, int );

/* Definition of the function */

int insert_array(char array[], int number, int position, char element)


int temp = number;

while( temp >= position)


array[temp+1] = array[temp];

temp --;


array[position] = element;

number = number +1 ;




void input(char array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 1; i<= number ; i++)



printf("\n Input value for: %d: ", i);

scanf("%c", &array[i]);




void display(char array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 1; i<= number; i++)


printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %c ", i, array[i]);



/* main function */

void main()


int number;

char array[100];

int position;

char element;


printf("\n Input the number of element into the LIST: ");

scanf("%d", &number);


input(array, number);

printf("\n Entered list as follows:\n");




printf("\n Input the position where you want add a new data:");

scanf("%d", &position);


printf("\n Input the value for the position:");

scanf("%c", &element);

number = insert_array(array,number,position,element);




/* Traversing a linear array */

/* ARRAY_L.C */


void memory(int *, int, int);

void memory1(char *, int, int);

/* Definition of the function memory */

void memory(int a[], int l_b, int u_b)


int counter;

for(counter = l_b; counter<=u_b; counter++)


printf("\n Element at location: 0x%x is %d", &a[counter], a[counter]);


printf("\n Array size = %d ", &a[counter-1] - &a[0] + 1);


void memory1(char b[], int l_b, int u_b)


char *pointer;

int counter;

pointer =&b[0];

for(counter = l_b; counter<=u_b; counter++)


printf("\n Element at location: 0x%x is %d", &b[counter], b[counter]);


printf("\n Array size = %d", &b[counter-1] - &b[0] + 1);


/*Function main */

void main()


int a[12] = {

99,88,77,66,55,44,33,22,11,100,200,300 };

char b[] = {



'W','X','Y','Z' };

int lb=0, ub=11;


lb = 0;

ub = 25;




/* Traversing a linear array */

/* ARRAY_T.C */

# include

void traversing_array(int *, int, int);

void input(int *, int, int);

/* Definition of the function*/

void traversing_array(int linear_array[], int l_b, int u_b)


int counter;

for(counter = l_b; counter<=u_b; counter++)


printf("\n Element at position: %d is %d ", counter, linear_array[counter]);



/* Defintion of the function*/

void input(int array[], int l_b, int u_b)


int counter;

for(counter = l_b; counter<= u_b; counter++)


printf("\n Input value for the: %d: ", counter);

scanf("%d", &array[counter]);



/* Definition of the function */

void main()


int a[100];

int lb, ub;

printf("\n Lower limit of the array:");

scanf("%d", &lb);

printf("\n Upper limit of the array:");

scanf("%d", &ub);

input(a, lb, ub);





/* DUPL_A.C */

# include

int status ;

int dup;

int duplicate_array(int *, int);

void input(int *, int );

void display(int *, int );

/* Definition of the function */

int duplicate_array(int array[], int number)


int i, j, k;

status = 0;

dup = number;

for(i = 0; i<>

for(j = i+1; j<>


if(array[i] == array[j])


number = number - 1 ;

for(k = j; k

array[k] = array[k+1];

status = 1;

j = j - 1;



if( status ==0)

printf("\n No duplicate is found");



/* Input function to read data */

void input(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i<>


printf("Input value for: %d: ", i+1);

scanf("%d", &array[i]);



/* Output function */

void display(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i<>


printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %d", i+1, array[i]);



/* main function */

void main()


int number;

int array[100];

int n;

printf("\n Input the number of elements in the list: ");

scanf("%d", &number);

input(array, number);

printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");


n = duplicate_array(array,number);

printf("\nNumber of duplicate elements in the list are: %d", n);

printf("\nAfter removing duplicates from the list, the list is as follows:");




/* Find Inverse of a Matrix */


# include

int i, j;

void display( int, int, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10]);

void input( int, int, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10]);

Inverse_Mat(int , int, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10]);

void swap(int, int, int, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10]);

/* This function exchange two rows of a matrix */

void swap( int row1,int row2, int col, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10])


for( i = 0; i <>


float temp = mat[row1][i];

mat[row1][i] = mat[row2][i];

mat[row2][i] = temp;

temp = mat1[row1][i];

mat1[row1][i] = mat1[row2][i];

mat1[row2][i] = temp;



/* This function find inverse of matrix */

int Inverse_Mat(int row1, int col1, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10])


int singular = 0;

int r, c;

for(r = 0;( r < style=""> r++)


if( mat[r][r] ) /* Diagonal element is not zero */

for(c = 0; c <>

if( c == r)


/* Make all the elements above and below the current principal

diagonal element zero */

float ratio = mat[r][r];

for( i = 0; i <>


mat[r][i] /= ratio ;

mat1[r][i] /= ratio;





float ratio = mat[c][r] / mat[r][r];

for( i = 0; i < style=""> i++)


mat[c][i] -= ratio * mat[r][i];

mat1[c][i] -= ratio * mat1[r][i];





/* If principal diagonal element is zero */

singular = 1;

for(c = (r+1); (c <>



singular = 0;

/* Find non zero elements in the same column */

swap(r,c,col1, mat, mat1);







/* To print output this is used */

void display( int row, int col, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10])



/* Output of inverse Matrix */

for( i = 0; i <>


for( j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat1[i][j]);





/* input function */

void input( int row, int col, float mat[10][10],float mat1[10][10])


for( i = 0 ; i<>


for( j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for: %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);

mat1[i][j] = 0;


mat1[i][i] = 1;


printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");

for( i = 0; i <>


for( j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* main function */

void main()


int R, C;

float mat[10][10];

float mat1[10][10];

printf("\n Input number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &R);

printf(" Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &C);

input(R,C, mat, mat1);

Inverse_Mat(R,C, mat, mat1);

printf("\n Inverse of above matrix is as follows:\n ");

display(R,C, mat, mat1);


/* Multiply Two Matrices */

/* MULT_MAT.C */

# include

# include

# define row 10

# define col 10

int i, j;

int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

void mat_mult( float mat1[row][col], int, int,

float mat2[row][col], int, int,

float mat_res[row][col]);

void display(float mat[row][col], int, int);

void input(float mat[row][col], int , int);

/* function to multiply two matrices */

void mat_mult( float mat1[row][col], int row1, int col1,

float mat2[row][col], int row2, int col2,

float mat_res[row][col])


int i, j, k;

if(col1 == row2)


printf("\n Multiplication is possible and Result is as follows\n");

for(i =0; i

for(j=0; j


mat_res[i][j] = 0;

for(k = 0; k <>


mat_res[i][j] += mat1[i][k] * mat2[k][j];



display(mat_res, row1, col2);



printf("\n Multiplication is not possible");



/* Output function */

void display(float mat[row][col], int r, int c )


for( i = 0; i <>


for( j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(float mat[row][col], int r, int c)


for( i = 0 ; i<>


for( j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* main function */

void main()


int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &row1);

printf("\n Input the col of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &col1);

printf("\n Input data for matrix-> 1\n");

input(mat1, row1, col1);

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix ->2:");

scanf("%d", &row2);

printf("\n Input the col of the matrix->2:");

scanf("%d", &col2);

printf("\n Input data for matrix-> 2\n");

input(mat2, row2, col2);

printf("\n Entered Matrix First is as follows:\n");


printf("\n Entered Matrix Two is as follows:\n");


mat_mult(mat1 ,row1 ,col1, mat2, row2, col2, mat_res);


/* Find Orthogonality of a matrix */

/* ORTH_MAT.C */

# include

# include

# define row 10

# define col 10

int i, j, k;

int row1, col1;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

void mat_mult( float mat1[row][col], int, int,

float mat_res[row][col]);

void transpose( float transp[row][col], int, int);

void display(float mat[row][col], int, int);

void input(float mat[row][col], int , int);

/* function mat_mult */

void mat_mult( float mat1[row][col], int row1, int col1,

float mat_res[row][col])


int flag ;

if(col1 == row1)


printf("\n Multiplication is possible and Result is as follows\n");

for(i = 0; i

for(j = 0; j


mat_res[i][j] = 0;

for(k = 0; k <>


mat_res[i][j] += mat1[i][k] * mat2[k][j];







printf("\n Multiplication is not possible");



for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0; j <>


if(((int)mat_res[i][i] == 1) && ((int ) mat_res[i][j] == 0))

flag = 1;



if( flag == 1)


printf("\n Matrix X * Transpose of X = Identity Matrix");

printf("\n The given Matrix is Orthogonal");




printf("\n Matrix X * Transpose of X != Identity Matrix");

printf("\n The given Matrix is not Orthogonal");



/* Output function */

void display(float mat[row][col], int r, int c )



for( i = 0; i <>


for( j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(float mat[row][col], int r, int c)


for( i = 0 ; i<>


for( j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for: %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* Transpose of a matrix */

void transpose( float transp[10][10],int row1, int col1)


for( i = 0; i<>


for( j = 0; j <>


mat2[i][j] = transp[j][i] ;





/* main function */

void main()


int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix:");

scanf("%d", &row1);

printf(" Input the col of the matrix:");

scanf("%d", &col1);

printf("\n Input data for matrix\n");

input(mat1, row1, col1);

printf("\n Entered Matrix First is as follows:\n");


printf(" \n Transpose of above matrix is as follows:\n");

transpose(mat1, col1, row1);

mat_mult(mat1 ,row1 ,col1, mat_res);


/* Find Rank of a Matrix */

/* RANK.C */

# include

int R,C;

int i, j;

int mat[10][10];

void display( int, int);

void input( int, int);

int Rank_Mat(int , int);

void swap(int, int, int);

/* This function exchange two rows of a matrix */

void swap( int row1,int row2, int col)


for( i = 0; i <>


int temp = mat[row1][i];

mat[row1][i] = mat[row2][i];

mat[row2][i] = temp;



/* This function find rank of matrix */

int Rank_Mat(int row1, int col1)


int r, c;

for(r = 0; r<>



if( mat[r][r] ) // Diagonal element is not zero

for(c = 0; c <>

if(c != r)


/* Make all the elements above and below the current principal

diagonal element zero */

float ratio = mat[c][r]/ mat[r][r];

for( i = 0; i <>

mat[c][i] -= ratio * mat[r][i];




/* Principal Diagonal elment is zero */



for(c = r+1 ; c < style=""> c++)

if (mat[c][r])


/* Find non zero elements in the same column */


break ;


if(c == row1)


-- col1;

for(c = 0; c <>

mat[c][r] = mat[c][col1];





return col1;


/* Output function */

void display( int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %d", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input( int row, int col)


int value;

for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for: %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%d", &value);

mat[i][j] = value;




/* main function */

void main()


int rank;

printf("\n Input number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &R);

printf("\n Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &C);

input(R, C);

printf("\n Row is : %d", R);

printf("\n Column is : %d \n", C);

printf("\n Entered Two Dimensional array is as follows:\n");


printf("\n Row is : %d", R);

printf("\n Column is : %d\n", C);

rank = Rank_Mat(R, C);

printf("\n Rank of above matrix is : %d", rank);



/* S_L_S_A.C */

# include

int s;

int small, big, temp;

int search_array(int *, int);

void input(int *, int );

void display(int *, int );

/* Definition of the function */

int search_array(int array[], int number)


big = small = array[0];

temp = 0;

while(temp <>


if(array[temp] > big)


big = array[temp] ;


else if(array[temp] <>


small = array[temp];


temp ++;


s = small;



/* Input function */

void input(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i<>


printf("Input value for : %d: ",i+1);

scanf("%d", &array[i]);



/* Output function */

void display(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i <>


printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %d", i+1, array[i]);



/* main function */

void main()


int number,big;

int array[100];

printf("\n Input the number of elements in the list:");

scanf("%d", &number);

input(array, number);

printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");


big = search_array(array,number);

printf("\nLargest number in the array is : %d", big);

printf("\nSmallest number in the array is : %d", s);





# include

int i, j;

float mat[10][10];

float mat1[10][10];

void display( int, int);

void input( int, int);

float Singular_Matrix(int, int);

/* Output function */

void display( int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input( int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* Find Determinant using Cramer's rule */

float Singular_Matrix( int row1, int col1)


int i, j, k, l;

float sum=0, psum=0, partial=0, nsum=0;

if(row1 == col1)


printf("\n Number rows = Number of cols");

printf("\n Singular Test is possible\n");

if(row1 <>


sum = mat[0][0]*mat[1][1] - mat[0][1]*mat[1][0];





for(k = 0; k

for(j = 0; j <>

mat1[k][j] = mat[k][j];

for(k = 0; k

for(j = row1; j < (2*row1-1); j++)

mat1[k][j] = mat1[k][j-row1];

for(l = 0; l


partial = 1;

for(i = 0; i


partial *= mat1[i][i+l];


psum += partial;


for(l = row1-1; l < ( 2*row1 -1); l++)


partial = 1;

for(i =0; i <>


partial *=mat1[i][l-i];


nsum += partial;


sum = psum - nsum ;





printf("\n Check about singularity is not possible");

return 0;


/* main function */

void main()


float Determinant;

int r,c;

printf("\n Input the number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &r);

printf(" Input the number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &c);

input(r, c);

printf("\n Entered Two Dimensional array is as follows:\n");

display(r, c);

Determinant = Singular_Matrix(r, c);

printf("\n Determinant is : %d", Determinant);

if(Determinant == 0)

printf("\n The Above matrix is Singular");


printf("\n Above matrix is not singular");



/* S_L_S_A.C */

# include

int s;

int small, big, temp;

int search_array(int *, int);

void input(int *, int );

void display(int *, int );

/* Definition of the function */

int search_array(int array[], int number)


big = small = array[0];

temp = 0;

while(temp <>


if(array[temp] > big)


big = array[temp] ;


else if(array[temp] <>


small = array[temp];


temp ++;


s = small;



/* Input function */

void input(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i<>


printf("Input value for : %d: ",i+1);

scanf("%d", &array[i]);



/* Output function */

void display(int array[], int number)


int i;

for(i = 0; i <>


printf("\n Value at the position: %d: %d", i+1, array[i]);



/* main function */

void main()


int number,big;

int array[100];

printf("\n Input the number of elements in the list:");

scanf("%d", &number);

input(array, number);

printf("\n Entered list is as follows:\n");


big = search_array(array,number);

printf("\nLargest number in the array is : %d", big);

printf("\nSmallest number in the array is : %d", s);


/* Test for symmetry of a matrix */

/* SYMMET.C */

# include

# define r 10

# define c 10

int i, j;

float value;

float mat[r][c];

void display(int, int);

void display_o( float transp[r][c],int, int);

void input( float transp[r][c],int, int);

void transpose( float transp[r][c],int, int);

int Symmetry_Matrix(float transp[r][c], int , int );

/* Transpose function */

void transpose( float transp[r][c], int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


mat[i][j] = transp[j][i] ;




/* Output function */

void display(int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Output function */

void display_o(float transp[r][c], int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", transp[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input( float transp[r][c], int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1,j+1);

scanf(" %f", &value);

transp[i][j] = value;




/* Test for Symmetry */

int Symmetry_Matrix(float transp[r][c], int row, int col)


int status = 0;

for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j

if(mat[i][j] != transp[i][j])

status = 1;




/* main function */

void main()


int status;

int row, col;

float transp[10][10];

printf("\n Input number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &row);

printf("\n Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &col);

input(transp, row, col);

printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");

display_o(transp, row, col);

transpose(transp, col, row);

printf(" \n Transpose of above matrix is as follows:\n");


status = Symmetry_Matrix(transp, row, col);


printf("\n Matrix is not symmetric ");


printf("\n Matrix is Symmetric ");


/* Find trace of a matrix */

/* TRAC_M.C */

# include

int i, j;

float mat[10][10];

void display( int, int);

void input( int, int);

float trace_mat(int, int);

/* Display function */

void display(int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i <>


for(j = 0 ; j <>


printf("\nInput Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* Finding trace of a matrix */

float trace_mat(int row, int col)


float trace = 0;

for(i = 0; i <>

for(j = 0; j<>

if(i == j)

trace += mat[i][j];



/* main function */

void main()


float trace;

int r,c;

printf("\n Input the number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &r);

printf(" Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &c);


printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");


printf("\n Trace of above matrix is :");

trace = trace_mat(r,c);

printf("%f", trace);


/* Transpose of a matrix */

/* TRANS_M.C */

# include

int i, j;

int value;

int mat[10][10];

void display(int, int);

void display_o( int transp[10][10],int, int);

void input( int transp[10][10],int, int);

void transpose( int transp[10][10],int, int);

/* Transpose function */

void transpose(int transp[10][10], int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i<>


for(j = 0; j <>


mat[i][j] = transp[j][i] ;




/* Output function */

void display(int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %d", mat[i][j]);





/* Output function */

void display_o(int transp[10][10], int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %d", transp[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(int transp[10][10], int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1,j+1);

scanf("%d", &value);

transp[i][j] = value;




/* main function */

void main()


int row,col;

int transp[10][10];

printf("\n Input the number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &row);

printf(" Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &col);

input(transp, row, col);

printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");

display_o(transp, row, col);


printf("\n Transpose of above matrix is as follows:\n");

display(col, row);


/* Find upper and lower half triangle of a matrix */


# include

int i, j;

float mat[10][10];

void display( int, int);

void input( int, int);

void Triangle_Matrix(int, int);

/* Display function */

void display(int row, int col)


for( i = 0; i <>


for( j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ",i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* Finding Triangle of a matrix */

void Triangle_Matrix(int row, int col)


printf("\n Lower Half is as follows:\n");

for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j<>


if( i >= j )


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





printf("\n Upper Half is as follows:\n");

for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


if( i <= j )

printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);


printf(" ");





/* main function */

void main()


int r,c;

printf("\n Input number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &r);

printf(" Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &c);

input(r, c);

printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");

display(r, c);

printf("\n Triangle Matrix is as follows:\n");



/* Add Tow Matrices */

/* TWO_ADD.C */

# include

# include

# define row 10

# define col 10

int i, j;

int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

void mat_add( float mat1[row][col], int, int,

float mat2[row][col], int, int,

float mat_res[row][col]);

void display(float mat[row][col], int, int);

void input(float mat[row][col], int , int);

/* Function mat_add */

void mat_add(float mat1[row][col], int row1, int col1,

float mat2[row][col], int row2, int col2,

float mat_res[row][col])


int i, j;

if((row1 == row2) && (col1 == col2))


printf("\n Addition is possible and Result is as follows\n");

for(i = 0; i

for(j = 0; j

mat_res[i][j] = mat1[i][j]+mat2[i][j];




printf("\n Addition is not possible");



/* Output function */

void display(float mat[row][col], int r, int c )


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(float mat[row][col], int r, int c)


for( i = 0 ; i <>


for(j = 0 ; j <>


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* main function */

void main()


int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &row1);

printf(" Input the col of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &col1);

printf("\n Input data for matrix-> 1\n");

input(mat1, row1, col1);

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix ->2:");

scanf("%d", &row2);

printf("\n Input the col of the matrix->2:");

scanf("%d", &col2);

printf("\n Input data for matrix-> 2\n");

input(mat2, row2, col2);

printf("\n Entered Matrix First is as follows:\n");


printf("\n Entered Matrix Two is as follows:\n");


mat_add(mat1, row1, col1, mat2, row2, col2, mat_res);


/* Sorting two dimensional arrays row wise */

/* TWO_SORT.C */

# include

int i, j;

float mat[10][10];

void display( int, int);

void input( int, int);

void Two_Sort_Matrix(int, int);

/* Display function */

void display(int row, int col)


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(int row, int col)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("\nInput Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* Sorting of a matrix */

void Two_Sort_Matrix(int row, int col)


int flag ;



flag = 1;

for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j<>


if(mat[i][j] <>


float temp = mat[i][j];

mat[i][j] = mat[i][j+1];

mat[i][j+1] = temp;

flag = 0;




col -= 1;

} while(flag == 0);


/* main function */

void main()


float trace;

int r,c;

printf("\n Input number of rows:");

scanf("%d", &r);

printf("\n Input number of cols:");

scanf("%d", &c);

input(r, c);

printf("\n Entered Matrix is as follows:\n");

display(r, c);

printf("\n Sorted Matrix is as follows:\n");

Two_Sort_Matrix(r, c);

display(r, c);


/* Subtraction of two Matrices */

/* TWO_SUB.C */

# include

# include

# define row 10

# define col 10

int i, j;

int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

void mat_sub( float mat1[row][col], int, int,

float mat2[row][col], int, int,

float mat_res[row][col]);

void display(float mat[row][col], int, int);

void input(float mat[row][col], int , int);

/* Function mat_sub */

void mat_sub(float mat1[row][col], int row1, int col1,

float mat2[row][col], int row2, int col2,

float mat_res[row][col])


if(( row1 == row2) && (col1 == col2))


printf("\n Subtraction is possible and Result is as follows\n");

for(i = 0; i <>

for(j = 0; j <>

mat_res[i][j] = mat1[i][j] - mat2[i][j];




printf("\n Subtraction is not possible");



/* Output Function */

void display(float mat[row][col], int r, int c )


for(i = 0; i <>


for(j = 0; j <>


printf(" %f", mat[i][j]);





/* Input function */

void input(float mat[row][col], int r, int c)


for(i = 0 ; i<>


for(j = 0 ; j


printf("Input Value for : %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%f", &mat[i][j]);




/* main function */

void main()


int row1, col1;

int row2, col2;

float mat1[row][col];

float mat2[row][col];

float mat_res[row][col];

printf("\n Input the row of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &row1);

printf("\n Input the col of the matrix->1:");

scanf("%d", &col1);

printf(" Input data for matrix-> 1\n");

input(mat1, row1, col1);

printf("Input the row of the matrix ->2:");

scanf("%d", &row2);

printf(" Input the col of the matrix->2:");

scanf("%d", &col2);

printf(" Input data for matrix-> 2\n");

input(mat2, row2, col2);

printf("\n Entered Matrix First is as follows:\n");


printf("\n Entered Matrix Two is as follows:\n");





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